Cancer Navigators of Rome

… because people shouldn't have to journey alone

Call us: (706) 509-5040

Honor Roll of Donors 2024

We are grateful to our supporters who remained dedicated to supporting cancer patients in our community through 2024. Donations are fulfilling patients’ greatest needs, helping them overcome barriers to cancer care so they can receive life-saving treatment, and enhancing quality of life. Our supporters are giving gifts of joy, relief, and hope, and fulfilling Cancer Navigators’ mission of ensuring no one journeys through cancer alone. We are so thankful!

A Blister For My Sister, Inc. Aimee Griffin Heather Reed
Abbvie H. Whitney Jennings, MD, PC Regeneron Healhtcare Solutions
Lauren Adams Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hagerstrand Mr. and Mrs. Brad Riddle
Vivian Adams Kaye Hall River Region Consulting Gamble
Alexion Vicki M. Hand Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robbins
American Legion Riders Post 12 Harbin Clinic Katherine Roberts
American Online Giving Foundation Harbin Clinic Cancer Center Regina Robuck
Ann Katherine Spear Humanitarian Foundation Hardy Realty Agents & Staff Rachel Rogers
Anonymous Donors Mr. and Mrs. Les Harper Rome First School
Armuchee High School Drs. Gregory Harris & Sonbol Shahid-Salles Dr. and Mrs. Dee B. Russell
Elizabeth Ashley-Pritchett Hope Hawkins Karen Sablon
Atrium Health Floyd Betty Hayes Beverly Schrum
Atrium Health Floyd SPIRIT & Employees David Head Jason Shedd
Belvenia Attaway Mary Helen Heaner Leigh Ann Shipley
Fran Bagley Heart of the Community Foundation, Inc. Brandi Skeen
Miranda Bagley Sean Higgins Linda Smith
John Bagwell Gordon L. Hight II Nikki Smith
Michael Baron Holsey Sinai Church Runette Smith
BeiGene, Ltd. Dr. Steven G. Hom Scott Smith
Christia Bishop Lori Honig Judy Sperry
Blueprint Medicines Roxanne Hotz State Mutual Insurance Company
Heather Bohannon Kevin Howell Molly Steeves
Bosom Buddies Cancer Support Group HSC Acquisition, LLC Christina Stephens
Scott Bradshaw W. M. Huffman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Stuart
Bryant & Sons Lumber Company Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Husser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stuenkel
Brandy Caldwell In-Kind Donors Beth Summer
Prissy Caldwell International Paper Foundation Mrs. Dan Sweitzer & Mrs. Denise Powers
Cancer Navigators Daisy Drop & Walk Supporters IQVIA, Inc. Donna Sweitzer
Marilyn Canova Jeff Jenkins Matthew Swords
Phil Carter Sean Joerg Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
Central Avenue Baptist Church Vickie Johnson Rob Tapia
Zelle Chandler Bobbie Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Temple
Chattooga County Cancer Support Group Gina Keadle The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy
Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Program William Kelly The Hughes Family
Chipotle Mexican Grill Amber King The Lewis Chemical Company
Citizens of Georgia Power Plant Bowen Chapter Ann Knight The Summerville Pentecostal Worship Center
City of Adairsville Vicki Knight The UPS Store
Greg Clark Kroger Community Rewards Donors Donna Thomas
David Clawson Nancy Lake Ansley Thompson
Michelle Cleary Dr. Jesse C. Laseter Tillotson Menlo Charitable Foundation Inc.
Shannon Cooke Wendy Levey Dr. Joel Todino
Cowan Land Holdings Lee Little Dawn Truett
Elizabeth Creech Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lively Melinda Tucker
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. Susan Lovell Bo Vandromme
Patrick Davey Syble R. Martin Randolph Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Davis, Jr. Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Donna Vinyard
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals David Massey Vitality Labs, LLC
Thomas Diehl Kay McClendon Dr. Gary Voccio
Dr. and Mrs. David Dohrmann Tom McDaniel Carol Waddell
Denise-Downer McKinney Delores McFall Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walburn
Jonna Duke Mr. and Mrs. Randy McGill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wallace
Teresa Dulaney Kathy McGuire Walmart #4409
Jessica Dunn Darlene McRae Walmart #5151
Eagle Christian Tours McRae, Smith, Peek, Harman & Monroe, LLP Walmart #6509
Edwards Jones – Steve Kinney Mary McRay Walmart #658
Mary E. Edwards Merck & Co. Walmart #727
Eisai, Inc. Gary Middleton Devin Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Ely Cynthia Mills Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watters
Catherine Espy Milton M. Ratner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watters
Exelixis, Inc. Mirati Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watters
External Fundraisers Organizers & Supporters Gladys Mixon Mr. and Mrs. Thad Watters
Facebook Donors & Fundraisers Model Ruritan Club Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watters
Tracy Farmer Mount Vernon Mills, Inc. Marlene Watwood
Taunya Faulkner Liz Mozley Way of the Cross Baptist Church
First National Community Bank Dr. Matthew Mumber Mimi Weed
Floyd County Schools North Georgia Electric Membership Foundation Elizabeth Werner
Floyd-Polk-Chattooga Medical Auxiliary North Summerville Baptist Church White’s Alignment & Tire Inc.
Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation Mary Norton Cara Williams
Lee Ford Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Peller Bob & Belinda Wilson
Frankenmuth Insurance Foundation Danialle Peyton John Wilson
The John & Mary Franklin Foundation Pfizer Marla Wise
Dana Gallagher Pharmacosmos Therapeutics, Inc. Mary Womack
Ida Galliher Pharmacyclics Lisa Woodall
Georgia Center for Oncology Research & Education Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pitts Johnny Woods
Georgia Healthy Family Alliance Lori Pitts Patsy Woody
Ryan Glassford Pleasant Valley North Baptist Church Searchers Sunday School Wreath Sale & Auction Supporters
Rosaland Gooden Profile Welfare Association Community Partners
Roger Goss Suzanne Protz Bagwell Food Pantry
Lloyd Gray Dr. Heather Pryor HBC Rome
Lisa Greeson Missy Puckett Summit Quest


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Cancer Navigators has been recognized for its transparency with a Platinum seal on its GuideStar profile. GuideStar provides information on nonprofits so that donors can make better informed choices. Click on the seal below to learn more.


About Us

Through education, counseling and access to valuable resources, Cancer Navigators is available to help ease some of the difficult emotions you may experience and help you keep a sense of control over your diagnosis and treatment. Read More

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Contact Us

255 W Fifth St. Suite 300
(3rd floor Harbin Clinic Cancer Center)
Rome, GA 3016

(706) 509-5040 (PHONE)
(706) 509-3323 (FAX)

Mailing address

3 Central Plaza #415
Rome, GA  30161