Your Bid on a Gift Can Help Cancer Navigators
Cancer Navigators is participating in Ford, Gittings & Kane Jewelers’ annual Kickback to the Community event. Purchase a $10 bid card, and on August 10-20 you can bid on silent auction items at the jeweler on Broad Street in downtown Rome. If you designate Cancer Navigators as your beneficiary, the organization will receive 10 percent of the purchase price. You can purchase a bid card from the jeweler or from Cancer Navigators. The opening bid for auction items is 50% off the regular price and the “Buy It Now” price is 25% off the regular price. The auction will end promptly at 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 20. Help local cancer patients in crisis while getting an early start on your holiday shopping! To purchase a bid card or for more information, contact Cancer Navigators at 706-509-5040 or email