Decorate a Wreath to Support Cancer Patients
It may not feel like it, but it’s beginning to look a lot like…wreath decorating time! Cancer Navigators invites members of the community to decorate and donate wreaths for its annual Holiday Wreath Sale & Auction that will be held in November. Proceeds from the fundraiser help Cancer Navigators provide free resources and services to cancer patients in the community. Undecorated artificial wreaths are now available for pick-up from Cancer Navigators and should be returned no later than October 29.
“It is amazing the joy and healing this fundraiser brings both the wreath decorators and purchasers, especially during these challenging times,” said Sarah Husser, Fundraising & Community Outreach Coordinator for Cancer Navigators. “Most importantly, all proceeds help cancer patients in crisis with transportation assistance, nutrition and counseling, giving them the opportunity to fight cancer and increasing their chances of survival.”
Thank you to the Harbin Clinic Cancer Center for their sponsorship of this event and to everyone who continues to make this fundraiser a success!
If you are interested in decorating a wreath, contact Cancer Navigators at 706.509.5040 or email