Friday Support Group Continues on Zoom
Cancer Navigators’ weekly Cancer Support Group is meeting on Zoom every Friday from noon to 1 p.m. Stress management is very important, especially now. We hope you will join us!
Below you will find a list of virtual support group dates and times that you are invited to join. Please click the link below “Join Zoom Meeting” to participate. This can be done on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone. If you are unable to join the meeting on a computer/tablet, instructions are also provided on how to call-in including a link for a local number. If you think of anyone that can benefit from this virtual stress management support group, please share this information. For questions, concerns, or issues, please call the Cancer Navigators office at (706) 509-5040. Thank you and stay safe!
Topic: CN Stress Management Support Group
Dec. 11, Noon
Dec. 18, Noon
Jan. 8, Noon
Jan. 15, Noon
Topic: CN Stress Management Support Group
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 0476 6513
Passcode: 319047
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 927 0476 6513
Passcode: 319047
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